(Note: Because of the information from the CDC, the MGMoA has decided to cancel the Arts Trek Reception, April 5, and Arts Trek Family Day, April 18. The Arts Trek Exhibition of local artists' work will still go up for viewing.)
An innovative, exciting cultural experience, this free, family-friendly event is an art adventure for everyone!
2020 marks the 11th anniversary for Arts Trek and the 101st anniversary for the Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art! This will be the 2nd year for our new two week exhibition that will lead up to the Arts Trek day. It was a great opportunity to show the artwork of local artists and we plan to continue what was started as a new addition to Arts Trek.
Stay tuned for more information as the event grows nearer!
Arts Trek began as a collaboration between the Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art and several community organizations. Due to the success of the first festival, it became an annual event. Arts Trek is intended to promote the arts in Shawnee and Oklahoma; to provide an educational, entertaining activity for adults, students, and families; and to encourage community collaboration. Annually, an estimated 3,000-4,000 people attended Arts Trek. This event is not a fundraiser for the museum.