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Frequently Asked Questions


What will the volunteers do during Arts Trek?

There are a variety of duties that volunteers perform during Arts Trek. During the event, some volunteers act as liaisons to the performers, making sure the performers find their performance location and that they have everything they need. Other volunteers assist the artists, watching their booths if they need breaks, etc. Volunteers also help children and adults with make-n-take art projects. Many volunteers help visitors, distributing maps, providing directions and information. We also need volunteers for event set up and tear down, as well as pre-event preparations.


Are volunteers required to work the entire event?

No. You will be assigned a shift that will probably be a couple of hours at the most (unless you indicate that you would like to do more). When your shift is over, you can enjoy the event!


I can't make it to Arts Trek. Is there something I can do to help before or after the event?

Absolutely! We need volunteers for pre-event preparations, mailing out information or hanging posters, for example. We also need help setting up equipment before the event and taking it down after the event.


I'm not able to be very mobile, is there still something I can do to help?

Yes! If you are willing to volunteer, we will put you to work. One of the jobs that we need fulfilled is a booth sitter--someone who can watch the artists' booths when they take breaks. We also need envelopes stuffed and other clerical work.


What happens if it rains?

The weather won't get us down!  If it rains, the show goes on!


Do I have to be a member of the MGMoA Volunteer Society to volunteer for Arts Trek?

No, any and all are welcome for this event. You do not have to be a member of the volunteer society to participate. However, if you enjoy volunteering for Arts Trek, you may want to consider joining the society and taking part in other museum events.


My organization would like to send volunteers, but we do not want to man an art project booth.  Can we just volunteer rather than be a "helping hands" sponsor?

Even if you don't want to have a project booth, we would like to list you as a "helping hands" sponsor so that your organization receives the promotional benefits.  However, we can find other jobs for your volunteers.  Please contact us to work out the details.


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